TRADESHIFT - System Status:

The platform is experiencing some issues - we are very sorry about it. Our engineers are already working on stabilizing the system. If you would like to get live updates on the status please subscribe on our status page here.

A step toward making e-commerce digital, faster and more user-friendly



Dear Supplier,


Novozymes has selected Tradeshift as its partner in order to improve the purchase-to-pay process and will move on to Tradeshift e-commerce platform during 2019. Going forward, Tradeshift will be the way for suppliers to receive purchase orders, submit invoices and, if relevant, maintain eCatalogues for Novozymes.


The Tradeshift platform is beneficial to both suppliers and Novozymes. Tradeshift allows suppliers to seamlessly submit invoices and get more insight into the progress of the invoices in the system. Suppliers can send invoices through the online web interface by either flipping a purchase order to an invoice or by creating it from scratch. If a supplier wants a more automated solution, it is possible to integrate accounting software to Tradeshift.


There are no account set-up fees, transaction fees or service fees for suppliers to engage with Novozymes on the Tradeshift platform. Both Novozymes and Tradeshift will provide the necessary support to ensure a successful collaboration on Tradeshift platform.

Novozymes looks forward to working with suppliers on the Tradeshift platform and creating value for both parties in the relationship.

Thank you,

Global Indirect Sourcing & Accounts Payable Department

Novozymes A/S

Learn more

Benefits of using Tradeshift

Tradeshift increases invoicing accuracy and improves visibility to the payment process and status through an easy-to-use web-based platform.


Easy Setup

No installation hardware or software required


Send invoices in 2 minutes

Create invoices that are simple and professional quickly and easily


Promote Your Business

Promote your business, products and services

Using Tradeshift Pay and Buy for Novozymes

We have prepared some guides to help you use Tradeshift Pay and Buy for Novozymes

After you activate your account, this Support space will contain further information.

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Once you have activated your account, you will be able to access Support articles by clicking on the Knowledge Base icon above.

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If you have any technical questions, click on the icon above to submit your query and our Support team will be happy to assist you.

For business queries regarding invoicing via Tradeshift, please click here.

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